
Expert Witness

The firm have undertaken court appointed expert witness work over many years, to provide market valuation advice in settling a range of matters.

These instructions occur when an independent valuation is required in order to settle a dispute. By nature, the firm must be independent at all times and uphold our exemplary ethical standards.

These instructions usually require a Market Value as at a set date. Most commonly the market approach is used in order to find the Market Value. This entails in-depth analysis of the comparable evidence gathered using subscription-only property portals, verifying transactions with Land Registry records, using our previous knowledge and valuation research and speaking with a range of active, local agents.

The firm takes pride in ensuring that all due diligence is carried out thoroughly. This entails carrying out an inspection of the property in order to gain insight into the nature, features, condition and layout of the property together with notes on the local surrounding area and measuring the property in accordance with RICS Property Measurement (2nd Edition), which ensures compliance with International Property Measurement Standards.

An in-depth valuation report is produced in these circumstances; however, this entails a “bundle” of supporting documentation to be submitted to the court.
Given our experience in this field, we would be happy to assist with any residential valuation work of this nature providing our local knowledge is thorough, there is no conflict of interest and our Professional Indemnity Insurance is sufficient.

Our fee quotes for expert witness work are based on the value of the property together with time required to carry out the valuation.