

Instructions are provided by a range of companies and individuals requiring Market Valuation advice to assist with tax liabilities for a number of reasons.

The most regular purposes include Capital Gains Tax, Inheritance Tax and Annual Tax for Enveloped Dwellings, however we have provided valuations for other tax planning and purposes.

These valuations entail RICS “Red Book” compliant reports, with a Market Value, often as at multiple valuation dates.

Most commonly the market approach is used in order to find the Market Value. This entails in-depth analysis of the comparable evidence gathered using subscription-only property portals, verifying transactions with Land Registry records, using our previous knowledge and valuation research and speaking with a range of active, local agents.

Given our experience with this nature of valuation work, we are comfortable providing advice for a range of dates, with 1982 being the most historic valuation done in recent times.

The firm takes pride in ensuring that all due diligence is carried out thoroughly. This entails carrying out an inspection of the property in order to gain insight into the nature, features, condition and layout of the property together with notes on the local surrounding area and measuring the property in accordance with RICS Property Measurement (2nd Edition), which ensures compliance with International Property Measurement Standards.

These instructions have been instigated by, inter alia, law firms, trusts, tax advisors, private individuals, property investment companies and accountants.